Local Partners

Colombo School of Business and Management (CSBM)
Colombo School of Business and Management (CSBM) was established with the patronage of like minded visionary corporate leaders and respected senior academics with the aspiration of being the “Business School for the Nation” to promote a leadership culture that builds multiple competencies in grooming a generation of corporate and business leaders in Sri Lanka.

The Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM)
The Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM) is the apex body for Sri Lankan Marketers, which was founded in 1970 and subsequently incorporated by an act of Parliament in 1980, recognizing it as the National Body for Marketing and a ‘not-for-profit’ organization.

Having very well understood the fact that choosing a school for son or daughter is one of the most important decisions that any parent would ever make, POLYMATH College with its two supporting arms – Polymath Kids and polymath day care provides wonderful learning opportunities to the kids to become creative well rounded, hardworking, environmental friendly skill-full and happy young people with very high moral values.

Amazon College
Amazon College is dedicated to take the nation towards new possibilities with the latest, timely and cost effective education which brings to you globally accredited certificates within a short time span in Sri Lanka.